OUJI-CR 6-60
No person may be convicted of terrorism unless the State has proved beyond a reasonable doubt each element of the crime. These elements are:
First, knowingly committed an act;
Second, of violence;
Third, that resulted in (damage to property)/ (personal injury);
Fourth, with the intent to coerce;
Fifth, a (civilian population)/government;
Sixth, into granting illegal political/economic demands.
First, knowingly committed an act;
Second, with the intent to incite violence;
Third, in order to create apprehension of;
Fourth, (bodily injury)/(damage to property)/;
Fifth, in order to coerce;
Sixth, a (civilian population)/government;
Seventh, into granting illegal political/economic demands.
Statutory Authority: 21 O.S. Supp. 2004, § 1268.1.
(2005 Supp.)