OUJI-CR 6-62
Biochemical Terrorism – An act of terrorism involving any biological
organism or chemical or combination of organisms or chemicals that is capable of and intended to cause death, illness or harm to any human or animal upon contact or ingestion, or harm to any food or water supply or other product consumed by humans or animals.
Reference: 21 O.S. Supp. 2004, § 1268.1.
Terrorism – An act of violence resulting in damage to property or personal injury perpetrated to coerce a civilian population or government into granting illegal political or economic demands; or conduct intended to incite violence in order to create apprehension of bodily injury or damage to property in order to coerce a civilian population or government into granting illegal political or economic demands. Peaceful picketing or boycotts and other nonviolent action is not terrorism.
Reference: 21 O.S. Supp. 2004, § 1268.1.
(2005 Supp.)